Bankura University B.A. 6th Semester (Honours) Suggestion 2024, Postcolonial Literatures

Bankura University B.A. 6th Semester (Honours) Suggestion 2024,   Postcolonial Literatures 

 B.A. 6th Semester (Honours) Examination, 2024


Course ID: 60312 Course Code: AH/ENG/602/C-14

Postcolonial Literatures

Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 40

1. Answer any one of the following questions: 1x10=10

a) Discuss the significance of animal imagery in Chronicle of a Death Foretold. What role

do Santiago’s dogs play in the novella?


b) Justify the title of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold.


c) Why do you think Amma in Brick Lane was opposed to fighting fate? What role does fate

play in Nazneen’s life?


d) Discuss the core conflicts in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane.

e) Comment critically on the portrait of the Bangladeshi diasporic life in London as  portrayed in Brick Lane.


a) Why do you think Marquez chose to make his narrator a journalist in Chronicle of a Death Foretold? Comment on the narrative technique of the novel. 10

b) Critically examine the use of magic realism in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold

c) Explore the representations of racism and culture conflict in Monica Ali's Brick Lane.

d) Nazneen's journey is a struggle for self- empowerment. Discuss.

2. Answer any one of the following questions: 1x10=10

a) Analyse the poem ‘A Far Cry from Africa’ from a postcolonial literary perspective.


b) Explore the theme of memory in David Malouf’s ‘Revolving Days’.

3. Nostalgia in "Wild Lemons" by David Malouf


2. a) How does 'A Far Cry from Africa' depict the Mau Mau revolt? Discuss the significance of the rhetorical questions in the poem. 10

b) How does Mamang Dai draw a vivid picture of temporality and permanence in the poem 'Small Towns and the River'?

3. Answer any one of the following questions: 1x10=10

a) Write an essay on the impact of globalisation on literature in the modern age.


b) Critically analyze the role of race and gender in post-colonial literary writings with

suitable examples.

c)  Literature and Identity Politics  &  Region, Race, and Gender


3. a) Discuss the impact of decolonization Indian English literature with reference to any two texts of your choice. 10


b) How has identity politics impacted the contemporary literary world? Illustrate with suitable examples.


4. Answer any five of the following questions: 5x2=10

a) Where does the real mystery lie in the novella Chronicle of a Death Foretold?

b) Briefly elucidate the central thought in David Malouf’s poem ‘Wild Lemon’.

c) What was Nazneen's first experience of walking around London?

d) Why does the speaker in the poem ‘Small Towns and the River’ observe that the river

has a soul?

e) How does Marquez utilise the motif of a flower in Chronicle of a Death Foretold?

f) Which coloured shirts did the speaker buy in ‘Revolving Days’ and why?

g) What does Kikuyu refer to in the poem ‘A Far Cry from Africa’?

h) Why did Chanu become determined that the family should return to Bangladesh?

i) What did Santiago Nasar dream about the night before his death?

j) “The gorilla wrestles with the superman”. — Briefly comment on the metaphorical

significance of the line.

a) **Where does the real mystery lie in the novella Chronicle of a Death Foretold?**

   - The real mystery in Chronicle of a Death Foretold lies in why Santiago Nasar is killed despite the entire town knowing about the murder beforehand. The novella explores the complexities of honor, duty, and societal expectations that lead to this tragic outcome.

b) **Briefly elucidate the central thought in David Malouf’s poem ‘Wild Lemon’.**

   - The central thought in 'Wild Lemon' revolves around memory and the longing for one's roots. Malouf uses the image of wild lemons to evoke nostalgia for a past that is both distant and deeply personal, reflecting on the ways memory shapes our identity and connection to place.

c) **What was Nazneen's first experience of walking around London?**

   - Nazneen's first experience of walking around London was overwhelming and disorienting. Coming from a rural village in Bangladesh, she found the bustling cityscape, diverse people, and new customs alien and daunting. This experience marked her initial immersion into the complexities of urban life.

d) **Why does the speaker in the poem ‘Small Towns and the River’ observe that the river has a soul?**

   - The speaker in 'Small Towns and the River' observes that the river has a soul to emphasize its spiritual and symbolic significance. The river represents continuity, wisdom, and the life force of the town, shaping its identity and providing a source of connection to nature and history.

e) **How does Marquez utilise the motif of a flower in Chronicle of a Death Foretold?**

   - Marquez uses the motif of a flower, specifically a corsage, to symbolize purity and innocence. Santiago Nasar gives Angela a flower before his death, but after the tragedy, Angela discards it, symbolizing the loss of innocence and the irreversibility of fate.

f) **Which coloured shirts did the speaker buy in ‘Revolving Days’ and why?**

   - The speaker in 'Revolving Days' buys red and green shirts. Red symbolizes passion, vitality, and energy, while green represents growth, renewal, and hope. The choice of these colors reflects the speaker's desire to embrace life and experience its richness amidst personal transformation.

g) **What does Kikuyu refer to in the poem ‘A Far Cry from Africa’?**

   - In 'A Far Cry from Africa', Kikuyu refers to the ethnic group in Kenya. The poem explores Derek Walcott's conflicted feelings about his African heritage and European colonial influence, questioning identity and allegiance amidst historical and cultural upheaval.

h) **Why did Chanu become determined that the family should return to Bangladesh?**

   - Chanu becomes determined that the family should return to Bangladesh due to his disillusionment with life in London. Feeling marginalized and unfulfilled in his career and personal aspirations, he sees returning to Bangladesh as a chance to reclaim his cultural identity and find a sense of belonging.

i) **What did Santiago Nasar dream about the night before his death?**

   - Santiago Nasar dreamt of trees the night before his death. This dream is interpreted as a symbolic foreshadowing of his fate, where the image of trees suggests his imminent death and the inevitable intertwining of life and death in the narrative.

j) **“The gorilla wrestles with the superman”. — Briefly comment on the metaphorical significance of the line.**

   - This line from Derek Walcott's poem 'A Far Cry from Africa' metaphorically juxtaposes the primal strength and resilience of Africa (represented by the gorilla) with the imposing, often oppressive forces of European colonialism (symbolized by the superman). It reflects the struggle for identity and power in a postcolonial context, where conflicting influences shape personal and cultural narratives.
