Important MCQ and Answers of Amarnath by Nibedita


Important MCQ and Answers of Amarnath by Nibedita

1. It was in the course of an open-air meal in the Mogul Gardens at:

   - a) Achhabal

   - b) Pawan

   - c) Islamabad

   - d) Pahlgam

2. The Swami suddenly announced that he would go to Amarnath with:

   - a) his son

   - b) his followers

   - c) the pilgrims

   - d) his daughter

3. Kashmir seemed, in those weeks, to be full of:

   - a) tourists

   - b) pilgrims

   - c) soldiers

   - d) merchants

4. We left Achhabal, and returned to our boats at:

   - a) Pawan

   - b) Islamabad

   - c) Pahlgam

   - d) Achhabal

5. Everywhere we saw the march of:

   - a) soldiers

   - b) gathering hosts

   - c) merchants

   - d) tourists

6. The encampment of two or three thousand people would leave no trace save the:

   - a) ashes of their cooking-fires

   - b) tents

   - c) footprints

   - d) litter

7. They carried a bazaar with them, and at each halting place they did

   - a) cooked food

   - b) held a market

   - c) the pitching of tents and opening of shops took place

   - d) performed rituals

8. The organization appeared to be:

   - a) chaotic

   - b) instinctive

   - c) planned

   - d) random

9. A broad street would run through the middle of one part of the camp where one could buy:

   - a) souvenirs

   - b) fresh vegetables

   - c) dried fruits, milk, dahls, and rice

   - d) meat

10. The tent of the Tehsildar was generally placed near some advantageous spot for:

    - a) trading

    - b) the lighting of the evening fire

    - c) setting up a stage

    - d) bathing

11. The Swami’s influence appeared to be:

    - a) negligible

    - b) magnetic

    - c) ordinary

    - d) weak

12. The more learned monks swarmed about the Swami at:

    - a) Achhabal

    - b) Islamabad

    - c) every halting place

    - d) Pahlgam

13. The talk on their side had been all of:

    - a) Vishnu

    - b) Brahma

    - c) Krishna

    - d) Siva

14. The monks remonstrated with Swami seriously when he insisted on:

    - a) drawing their attention to the world about them

    - b) meditating

    - c) fasting

    - d) sleeping

15. The monks could not understand the warmth of Swami's love and sympathy for:

    - a) Christianity

    - b) Judaism

    - c) Mohammedanism

    - d) Buddhism

16. The soil of the Punjaub was drenched with the blood of those who had died for:

    - a) power

    - b) land

    - c) the faith

    - d) revenge

17. The Tehsildar himself and many officers and servants of the pilgrimage had been:

    - a) Buddhists

    - b) Hindus

    - c) Christians

    - d) Mussulmans

18. The Tehsildar came afterwards with a group of friends, begging formal acceptance by the Swami as:

    - a) friends

    - b) servants

    - c) disciples

    - d) colleagues

19. Leaving Islamabad, we caught up somewhere with the pilgrimage, and camped with it at:

    - a) Achhabal

    - b) Pawan

    - c) Pahlgam

    - d) Amarnath

20. Pawan is famous for its:

    - a) mountains

    - b) holy springs

    - c) temples

    - d) markets

21. The brilliance of the lights reflected in the clear black waters of the tank that evening charmed:

    - a) the narrator

    - b) Swami

    - c) the sister

    - d) the Tehsildar

22. At Pahlgam, the camp halted for a day to keep:

    - a) a festival

    - b) ekadasi

    - c) a meeting

    - d) a ritual

23. The slopes about Pahlgam were dark with:

    - a) pine-trees

    - b) grass

    - c) rocks

    - d) snow

24. Over the mountain at its head was seen, at sunset, the:

    - a) stars

    - b) clouds

    - c) sun

    - d) moon

25. The last of human dwellings seen at Pahlgam included:

    - a) a bridge, a farm house, with its ploughed fields, and a few saeter-huts

    - b) a market

    - c) a town

    - d) a temple

26. Through scenes of indescribable beauty, three thousand of us ascended the valleys and camped the first day in:

    - a) a field

    - b) a pine-wood

    - c) a meadow

    - d) a valley

27. The next day, they had passed the snow-line, and pitched their tents beside:

    - a) a frozen river

    - b) a warm stream

    - c) a lake

    - d) a grassy knoll

28. The great camp-fire that night was made of:

    - a) oak

    - b) pine

    - c) juniper

    - d) cedar

29. The next evening, the servants had to wander many miles in search of:

    - a) food

    - b) water

    - c) shelter

    - d) fuel

30. The regular pathway came to an end and they had to scramble along:

    - a) a river

    - b) a plain

    - c) goat-paths

    - d) a road

31. The Cave of Amarnath was situated in a:

    - a) valley

    - b) gorge

    - c) meadow

    - d) hilltop

32. In the Cave, in a niche never reached by sunlight, shone the:

    - a) golden statue

    - b) ice-lingam

    - c) silver idol

    - d) crystal cross

33. The Swami had observed every rite of the pilgrimage including:

    - a) telling his beads, keeping fasts, and bathing in the ice-cold waters of five streams

    - b) meditating

    - c) chanting

    - d) preaching

34. The Swami received from Siva the gift of:

    - a) wealth

    - b) health

    - c) wisdom

    - d) Amar

35. The pilgrimage culminates on the great day of:

    - a) Diwali

    - b) Holi

    - c) Rakhibandhan

    - d) Navratri

36. The purity and whiteness of the ice-pillar had revealed itself to Swami as the secret of:

    - a) Pawan

    - b) Kailas

    - c) Amarnath

    - d) Pahlgam

37. The camp halted for a day at Pahlgam to keep:

    - a) fast

    - b) ekadasi

    - c) holy spring ritual

    - d) Rakhibandhan

38. The slopes about Pahlgam were dark with:

    - a) oak-trees

    - b) grass

    - c) pine-trees

    - d) snow

39. The scenery at Pahlgam was compared to:

    - a) Switzerland or Norway

    - b) Austria or France

    - c) Himalayas or Rockies

    - d) Andes or Alps

40. When the final march began, they left the rest of their party:

    - a) in Islamabad

    - b) at Achhabal

    - c) on a grassy knoll

    - d) at Pawan

41. On the second day, they crossed:

    - a) a bridge

    - b) a field

    - c) the river-gravels

    - d) a desert

42. The Swami observed every rite of the pilgrimage, including:

    - a) chanting hymns

    - b) keeping fasts

    - c) wearing traditional attire

    - d) offering flowers

43. In the Cave, amidst the buzzing noise of the pilgrim-crowd and the fluttering of pigeons, the Swami:

    - a) meditated quietly

    - b) prostrated two or three times

    - c) lit candles

    - d) sang devotional songs

44. The Swami said that he had received from Siva the gift of Amar, meaning:

    - a) eternal wisdom

    - b) everlasting wealth

    - c) not to die until he himself had willed it

    - d) supreme strength

45. The pilgrimage culminates on the great day of Rakhibandhan, and their wrists were tied with:

    - a) white threads

    - b) blue and green threads

    - c) black and gold threads

    - d) red and yellow threads

46. The Swami described the ice-lingam in the Cave as:

    - a) a symbol of peace

    - b) the waiting Presence of God

    - c) a natural wonder

    - d) a mystical artifact

47. The Tehsildar and many officers and servants of the pilgrimage being Mussulmans, yet participating in the Hindu rituals, shows:

    - a) religious tension

    - b) social hierarchy

    - c) religious harmony

    - d) political conflict

48. The Swami’s response to the monks’ inability to conceive unity between Hindu and Mohammedan was:

    - a) practical concessions of the moment

    - b) strict adherence to orthodoxy

    - c) avoidance of the topic

    - d) aggressive debates

49. The Swami’s discussions with the monks primarily focused on:

    - a) social reforms

    - b) the deity Siva

    - c) political strategies

    - d) economic conditions

50. The monks urged the Swami not to make distinctions between:

    - a) rich and poor

    - b) young and old

    - c) Swadesh and bidesh (countrymen and foreigners)

    - d) educated and uneducated

51. The story of the shepherds discovering the Cave of Amarnath is comparable to the Swami's experience of:

    - a) leading the pilgrimage

    - b) seeing Siva made visible before him

    - c) teaching the monks

    - d) practicing rituals

52. The great camp-fire on the night beside the frozen river was made of:

    - a) oak

    - b) pine

    - c) cedar

    - d) juniper

53. The Swami described his experience in the Cave as:

    - a) a spiritual revelation

    - b) a historical discovery

    - c) an intellectual debate

    - d) a physical challenge

54. The Swami’s love and sympathy for Mohammedanism were viewed by the monks as:

    - a) understandable

    - b) necessary

    - c) puzzling

    - d) dangerous

55. The Swami’s dream-like comment about the shepherds discovering Mahadev reveals his:

    - a) practical nature

    - b) imaginative mind

    - c) scientific approach

    - d) humorous side

Sure, here are additional multiple-choice questions based on the provided text:

56. The Swami and the party caught up with the pilgrimage and camped for the night at:

    - a) Islamabad

    - b) Achhabal

    - c) Pawan

    - d) Srinagar

57. The place famous for its holy springs where they camped is:

    - a) Pahlgam

    - b) Achhabal

    - c) Islamabad

    - d) Pawan

58. The Swami described the reflection of lights in the clear black waters of the tank as:

    - a) mesmerizing

    - b) dim

    - c) blurred

    - d) insignificant

59. The camp at Pahlgam is referred to as:

    - a) the village of shepherds

    - b) the valley of flowers

    - c) the sacred village

    - d) the monks’ refuge

60. The beautiful little ravine at Pahlgam was floored for the most part with:

    - a) pebbles

    - b) sandy islands

    - c) grass

    - d) snow

61. Over the mountain at the head of the ravine at sunset, the moon was:

    - a) full

    - b) crescent

    - c) not yet full

    - d) invisible

62. When the final march began, they left the rest of their party encamped on:

    - a) a bridge

    - b) a farm house

    - c) a grassy knoll

    - d) a saeter-hut

63. The first day of their ascent, they camped in:

    - a) a desert

    - b) a pine-wood

    - c) a meadow

    - d) an oak forest

64. The next evening, after passing the snow-line, they pitched their tents beside:

    - a) a frozen river

    - b) a flowing stream

    - c) a lake

    - d) a waterfall

65. The servants had to wander many miles in search of fuel made from:

    - a) oak

    - b) pine

    - c) cedar

    - d) juniper

66. The boulder-strewn gorge they ascended led to:

    - a) the Cave of Amarnath

    - b) the peak of a mountain

    - c) a hidden valley

    - d) a sacred river

67. Inside the Cave of Amarnath, in a niche never reached by sunlight, shone:

    - a) a golden statue

    - b) a crystal pillar

    - c) the great ice-lingam

    - d) a sacred flame

68. As the Swami entered the Cave, he felt as if he saw:

    - a) Vishnu made visible before him

    - b) Siva made visible before him

    - c) Brahma made visible before him

    - d) Indra made visible before him

69. After receiving the gift of Amar from Siva, the Swami:

    - a) danced in joy

    - b) silently withdrew

    - c) shouted in ecstasy

    - d) fainted in awe

70. The gift of Amar that the Swami received meant:

    - a) eternal happiness

    - b) infinite wisdom

    - c) not to die until he himself had willed it

    - d) unending wealth

71. The pilgrimage culminates on the great day of:

    - a) Diwali

    - b) Holi

    - c) Rakhibandhan

    - d) Navaratri

72. Their wrists were tied with threads of:

    - a) red and blue

    - b) yellow and green

    - c) white and black

    - d) red and yellow

73. The Swami imagined the Cave was first discovered by:

    - a) a group of monks

    - b) a party of shepherds

    - c) a royal expedition

    - d) wandering pilgrims

74. The purity and whiteness of the ice-lingam startled and enraptured the Swami, revealing the cavern as:

    - a) the secret of Kailas

    - b) a mystical realm

    - c) the heart of nature

    - d) an ancient temple

75. The Swami cherished the memory of his pilgrimage to Amarnath because he had:

    - a) found peace

    - b) entered a mountain-cave and come face to face with the Lord

    - c) made new friends

    - d) discovered new rituals

76. The Swami observed the rites of the pilgrimage by:

    - a) chanting hymns

    - b) telling his beads

    - c) lighting candles

    - d) offering flowers

77. The Swami fasted and bathed in:

    - a) hot springs

    - b) river-gravels

    - c) ice-cold waters of five streams

    - d) sacred ponds

78. The foreign mind noted with amusement the paradox that:

    - a) the Tehsildar was a strict orthodox

    - b) the officers and servants were Hindus

    - c) the Mussulmans had no objections to entering the Cave

    - d) the pilgrimage was only for Hindus

79. The Tehsildar and his friends begged for:

    - a) food and shelter

    - b) formal acceptance as disciples

    - c) monetary assistance

    - d) protection from enemies

80. The Swami made practical concessions of the moment to:

    - a) avoid conflict

    - b) express love for the brethren

    - c) adhere to tradition

    - d) show authority

Certainly! Here are additional multiple-choice questions based on the provided text:

81. The Swami announced his intention to go to Amarnath during:

    - a) a meditation session

  b) an open-air meal in the Mogul Gardens at Achhabal

    - c) a prayer meeting

    - d) a gathering at the temple

82. The preparations for the journey to Amarnath were aided by:

    - a) local villagers

    - b) a State officer

    - c) foreign tourists

    - d) monks

83. The pilgrims left Achhabal and returned to their boats at:

    - a) Srinagar

    - b) Islamabad

    - c) Pawan

    - d) Pahlgam

84. The pilgrim camps left no trace of their occupation except:

    - a) footprints

    - b) the ashes of their cooking-fires

    - c) litter

    - d) broken tents

85. The pilgrims carried a bazaar with them, and at each halting place, the pitching of tents and opening of shops took place with:

    - a) slow and careful planning

    - b) incredible rapidity

    - c) moderate speed

    - d) significant delays

86. The tent of the Tehsildar was generally placed near:

    - a) a water source

    - b) an advantageous spot for the lighting of the evening fire

    - c) the market area

    - d) the entrance of the camp

87. The Swami’s influence among the monks was described as:

    - a) minimal

    - b) magnetic

    - c) negligible

    - d) ordinary

88. The learned monks who swarmed about the Swami talked mostly about:

    - a) politics

    - b) Siva

    - c) world affairs

    - d) trade

89. The monks remonstrated with the Swami when he tried to draw their attention to:

    - a) the weather

    - b) the world about them

    - c) other religions

    - d) ancient texts

90. The Swami showed warmth and sympathy for:

    - a) Buddhism

    - b) Christianity

    - c) Jainism

    - d) Mohammedanism

91. The soil of the Punjab was argued to be drenched with the blood of those who died for:

    - a) freedom

    - b) power

    - c) the faith

    - d) land

92. The Tehsildar and many officers and servants of the pilgrimage were:

    - a) Hindus

    - b) Buddhists

    - c) Christians

    - d) Mussulmans

93. At Pahlgam, the camp halted to observe:

    - a) a festival

    - b) ekadasi

    - c) a prayer meeting

    - d) a community feast

94. The scenery of Switzerland or Norway is compared to the gentleness and loveliness of:

    - a) the valley of Kashmir

    - b) the slopes of Pahlgam

    - c) the pine forests

    - d) the mountain peaks

95. The final march began from a grassy knoll where they left:

    - a) their luggage

    - b) their boats

    - c) the rest of their party encamped

    - d) the Tehsildar

96. The first day of the ascent, they camped in:

    - a) a meadow

    - b) a pine-wood

    - c) a sandy desert

    - d) a rocky plateau

97. The great camp-fire made of juniper was used on:

    - a) the first night

    - b) the second night

    - c) the third night

    - d) the final night

98. The snow-peaks were covered with a veil of:

    - a) mist

    - b) newly-fallen snow

    - c) ice

    - d) clouds

99. The Swami observed every rite of the pilgrimage by:

    - a) chanting hymns

    - b) telling his beads, keeping fasts, and bathing in ice-cold waters

    - c) offering flowers and fruits

    - d) lighting candles and incense

100. The Swami believed he received the gift of Amar from Siva, meaning:

    - a) eternal youth

    - b) everlasting wealth

    - c) not to die until he himself had willed it

    - d) boundless knowledge

Answers :

Sure, here are the multiple-choice questions with the correct answers indicated:

1. It was in the course of an open-air meal in the Mogul Gardens at:

   - **b) Achhabal**

2. The Swami suddenly announced that he would go to Amarnath with:

   - **c) the pilgrims**

3. Kashmir seemed, in those weeks, to be full of:

   - **b) pilgrims**

4. We left Achhabal, and returned to our boats at:

   - **b) Islamabad**

5. Everywhere we saw the march of:

   - **b) gathering hosts**

6. The encampment of two or three thousand people would leave no trace save the:

   - **a) ashes of their cooking-fires**

7. They carried a bazaar with them, and at each halting place:

   - **c) the pitching of tents and opening of shops took place**

8. The organization appeared to be:

   - **b) instinctive**

9. A broad street would run through the middle of one part of the camp where one could buy:

   - **c) dried fruits, milk, dahls, and rice**

10. The tent of the Tehsildar was generally placed near some advantageous spot for:

    - **b) the lighting of the evening fire**

11. The Swami’s influence appeared to be:

    - **b) magnetic**

12. The more learned monks swarmed about the Swami at:

    - **c) every halting place**

13. The talk on their side had been all of:

    - **d) Siva**

14. The monks remonstrated with Swami seriously when he insisted on:

    - **a) drawing their attention to the world about them**

15. The monks could not understand the warmth of Swami's love and sympathy for:

    - **c) Mohammedanism**

16. The soil of the Punjab was drenched with the blood of those who had died for:

    - **c) the faith**

17. The Tehsildar himself and many officers and servants of the pilgrimage had been:

    - **d) Mussulmans**

18. The Tehsildar came afterwards with a group of friends, begging formal acceptance by the Swami as:

    - **c) disciples**

19. Leaving Islamabad, we caught up somewhere with the pilgrimage, and camped with it at:

    - * - b) Pawan**

20. Pawan is famous for its:

    - **b) holy springs**

21. The brilliance of the lights reflected in the clear black waters of the tank that evening charmed:

    - **a) the narrator**

22. At Pahlgam, the camp halted for a day to keep:

    - **b) ekadasi**

23. The slopes about Pahlgam were dark with:

    - **a) pine-trees**

24. Over the mountain at its head was seen, at sunset, the:

    - **d) moon**

25. The last of human dwellings seen at Pahlgam included:

    - **a) a bridge, a farm house, with its ploughed fields, and a few saeter-huts**

26. Through scenes of indescribable beauty, three thousand of us ascended the valleys and camped the first day in:

    - **b) a pine-wood**

27. The next day, they had passed the snow-line, and pitched their tents beside:

     - a) a frozen river

28. The great camp-fire that night was made of:

    - **c) juniper**

29. The next evening, the servants had to wander many miles in search of:

    - **d) fuel**

30. The regular pathway came to an end and they had to scramble along:

    - **c) goat-paths**

31. The Cave of Amarnath was situated in a:

    - **b) gorge**

32. In the Cave, in a niche never reached by sunlight, shone the:

    - **b) ice-lingam**

33. The Swami had observed every rite of the pilgrimage including:

    - **a) telling his beads, keeping fasts, and bathing in the ice-cold waters of five streams**

34. The Swami received from Siva the gift of:

    - **d) Amar**

35. The pilgrimage culminates on the great day of:

    - **c) Rakhibandhan**

36. The purity and whiteness of the ice-pillar had revealed itself to Swami as the secret of:

    - ** b) Kailas**

37. The camp halted for a day at Pahlgam to keep:

    - **b) ekadasi**

38. The slopes about Pahlgam were dark with:

    - **c) pine-trees**

39. The scenery at Pahlgam was compared to:

    - **a) Switzerland or Norway**

40. When the final march began, they left the rest of their party:

    - **c) on a grassy knoll**

41. On the second day, they crossed:

    - **c) the river-gravels**

42. The Swami observed every rite of the pilgrimage, including:

    - **b) keeping fasts**

43. In the Cave, amidst the buzzing noise of the pilgrim-crowd and the fluttering of pigeons, the Swami:

    - **b) prostrated two or three times**

44. The Swami said that he had received from Siva the gift of Amar, meaning:

    - **c) not to die until he himself had willed it**

45. The pilgrimage culminates on the great day of Rakhibandhan, and their wrists were tied with:

    - **d) red and yellow threads**

46. The Swami described the ice-lingam in the Cave as:

    - **b) the waiting Presence of God**

47. The Tehsildar and many officers and servants of the pilgrimage being Mussulmans, yet participating in the Hindu rituals, shows:

    - **c) religious harmony**

48. The Swami’s response to the monks’ inability to conceive unity between Hindu and Mohammedan was:

    - **a) practical concessions of the moment**

49. The Swami’s discussions with the monks primarily focused on:

    - **b) the deity Siva**

50. The monks urged the Swami not to make distinctions between:

    - **c) Swadesh and bidesh (countrymen and foreigners)**

51. The story of the shepherds discovering the Cave of Amarnath is comparable to the Swami's experience of:

    - **b) seeing Siva made visible before him**

52. The great camp-fire on the night beside the frozen river was made of:

    - **d) juniper**

53. The Swami described his experience in the Cave as:

    - **a) a spiritual revelation**

54. The Swami’s love and sympathy for Mohammedanism were viewed by the monks as:

    - **c) puzzling**

55. The Swami’s dream-like comment about the shepherds discovering Mahadev reveals his:

    - **b) imaginative mind**

56. The Swami and the party caught up with the pilgrimage and camped for the night at:

    - **c) Pawan**

57. The place famous for its holy springs where they camped is:

    - **d) Pawan**

58. The Swami described the reflection of lights in the clear black waters of the tank as:

    - **a) mesmerizing**

59. The camp at Pahlgam is referred to as:

    - **a) the village of shepherds**

60. The beautiful little ravine at Pahlgam was floored for the most part with:

    - **b) sandy islands**

61. Over the mountain at the head of the ravine at sunset, the moon was:

    - **c) not yet full**

62. When the final march began, they left the rest of their party encamped on:

    - **c) a grassy knoll**

63. The first day of their ascent, they camped in:

    - **b) a pine-wood**

64. The next evening, after passing the snow-line, they pitched their tents beside:

    - **a) a frozen river**

65. The servants had to wander many miles in search of fuel made from:

    - **d) juniper**

66. The boulder-strewn gorge they ascended led to:

    - **a) the Cave of Amarnath**

67. Inside the Cave of Amarnath, in a niche never reached by sunlight, shone:

    - **c) the great ice-lingam**

68. As the Swami entered the Cave, he felt as if he saw:

    - **b) Siva made visible before him**

69. After receiving the gift of Amar from Siva, the Swami:

    - **b) silently withdrew**

70. The gift of Amar that the Swami received meant:

    - **c) not to die until he himself had willed it**

71. The pilgrimage culminates on the great day of:

    - **c) Rakhibandhan**

72. Their wrists were tied with threads of:

    - **d) red and yellow**

73. The Swami imagined the Cave was first discovered by:

    - **b) a party of shepherds**

74. The purity and whiteness of the ice-lingam startled and enraptured the Swami, revealing the cavern as:

    - *- a) the secret of Kailas**

75. The Swami cherished the memory of his pilgrimage to Amarnath because he had:

    - **b) entered a mountain-cave and come face to face with the


76. The Swami observed the rites of the pilgrimage by:


    - b) telling his beads

77. The Swami fasted and bathed in:


    - c) ice-cold waters of five streams

78. The foreign mind noted with amusement the paradox that:


    - c) the Mussulmans had no objections to entering the Cave

79. The Swami's experience in the Cave was a profound:

    - **a) spiritual revelation**

80. The Swami made practical concessions of the moment to:

    - b) express love for the brethren

The Swami's storytelling about the shepherds discovering Mahadev showed his:

    - **d) imaginative interpretation of legends**

Sure, here are the multiple-choice questions with the correct answers indicated:

81. The Swami announced his intention to go to Amarnath during:

    - **b) an open-air meal in the Mogul Gardens at Achhabal**

82. The preparations for the journey to Amarnath were aided by:

    - **b) a State officer**

83. The pilgrims left Achhabal and returned to their boats at:

    - **b) Islamabad**

84. The pilgrim camps left no trace of their occupation except:

    - **b) the ashes of their cooking-fires**

85. The pilgrims carried a bazaar with them, and at each halting place, the pitching of tents and opening of shops took place with:

    - **b) incredible rapidity**

86. The tent of the Tehsildar was generally placed near:

    - **b) an advantageous spot for the lighting of the evening fire**

87. The Swami’s influence among the monks was described as:

    - **b) magnetic**

88. The learned monks who swarmed about the Swami talked mostly about:

    - **b) Siva**

89. The monks remonstrated with the Swami when he tried to draw their attention to:

    - **b) the world about them**

90. The Swami showed warmth and sympathy for:

    - **d) Mohammedanism**

91. The soil of the Punjab was argued to be drenched with the blood of those who died for:

    - **c) the faith**

92. The Tehsildar and many officers and servants of the pilgrimage were:

    - **d) Mussulmans**

93. At Pahlgam, the camp halted to observe:

    - **b) ekadasi**

94. The scenery of Switzerland or Norway is compared to the gentleness and loveliness of:

    - **b) the slopes of Pahlgam**

95. The final march began from a grassy knoll where they left:

    - **c) the rest of their party encamped**

96. The first day of the ascent, they camped in:

    - **b) a pine-wood**

97. The great camp-fire made of juniper was used on:

    - **c) the second  night**

98. The snow-peaks were covered with a veil of:

    - **b) newly-fallen snow**

99. The Swami observed every rite of the pilgrimage by:

    - **b) telling his beads, keeping fasts, and bathing in ice-cold waters**

100. The Swami believed he received the gift of Amar from Siva, meaning:

    - **c) not to die until he himself had willed it**
