
Time- 80 Minutes.



Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the following passage and answer the question given below:

We live on the Big Half Moon island. 'We' are Father and Claude and I and Aunt Esther and Mimi and Dick. It used to be only Father and Claude and I. It is all on account of the kite that there are more of us. This is what I want to tell you about.

Father is the keeper of the Big Half Moon light house. I am eleven years old. Claude is twelve. In winter, when the harbour is frozen over, we all move over to the mainland. As soon as spring comes, back we sail to our own dear island.

The funny part used to be that people always pitied us when the time came for us to return. They said we must be so lonesome over there, with no other children near us. Of course, Claude and I would have liked to have someone to play with us. It is hard to run pirate caves and things like that with only two. But we used to quarrel a good deal with the mainland children in winter. So it was perhaps just as well that there was none of them on the Big Half Moon. Claude and I never quarreled.

To be sure, Father didn't seem to have any relations except us. This used to puzzle Claude and me. Everybody on the mainland had relations. Why hadn't we? Was it because we lived on an island? We thought it would be so jolly to have an uncle and aunt and some cousins. Once we asked Father about it, but he looked so sorrowful that we wished we hadn't. He said it was his fault. Claude and I didn't understand what he meant.

A. Complete the following sentences with information from the passage:

(i) The narrator lived in the Big Half Moon island because_____

(ii) Because of the kite_______

(ii) People in the mainland pitied the narrator and Claude because_______

(iv) What puzzled the narrator and Claude was that

B. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:


(i) Two children running pirate caves was-

(a) fun

(b) difficult

(c) impossible

(d) boring


(ii) Reference to relations made the narrator's father-

(a) angry

(b) happy

(c) excited

(d) sad


C. State whether the following sentences are True or False. Pick out sentences/phrases from the passage is support of your answer:

(i) The narrator was older than Claude.

Supporting sentence:

(ii) The narrator loved the Big Half Moon island.

Supporting sentence:

Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given follow:

We were sitting in the garden of the circuit house in Bundi. We had arrived only that morning. Jayanto and I were

old friends. We had been to the same school and college. He now worked in the editorial division of a newspaper and I taught in a school. Although we had different kinds of jobs, it had not made any difference to our friendship.

We had been planning a trip to Rajasthan for quite some time. The main difficulty lay in both of us being able get away together. That had, at last, been made possible.

Most people go to Jaipur, Udaipur or Chittor, when they go to Rajasthan; but Jayanto kept talking about going to Bundi. I had no objection for, having read Tagore's poem 'The Fort of Bundi', I was certainly familiar with the name of the place and felt a pleasurable excitement at the prospect of actually seeing the fort. Not many people came to Bundi. But that did not mean that there was not much to see there.

However, Jayanto's insistence on Bundi did puzzle me somewhat. I learnt the reason on the train when we were coming down. Jayanto's father, Animesh Das Gupta, had worked in the Archeological Department. His work sometimes took him to historical places and Jayanto had as a child come to Bundi. He had always wanted to return after growing up, just to see how much the modern Bundi compared the image he had in his mind.

A. Answer the following questions:

(i) Why was it not possible for the narrator to have frequent tours with his friend Jayanto?


(ii) Where do people usually go when they tour Rajasthan?


(iii) Why did the narrator have no objection in going to Bundi?


(iv) Why did Jayanto want to visit Bundi?


B. State whether the following sentences are 'True' or 'False'.

(i) The narrator knew Jayanto from his childhood.

(ii) Jayanto was into his father's profession.


Grammar & Vocabulary

3. Do as directed:

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.

The man held __basket full_____ bread ____sell.



B.(i) Who does not know Satyajit Ray? (Change into as affirmative sentence)



(ii) Light the light. (Change the voice)


(iii) Mita said to her mother, "I read the book yesterday." (Change into indirect speech)


(iv) He was sick. He did not go to school. (Join into a single sentence)


(v) My bag was stolen. (Change the voice)


4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the passage of Question no. 2: 1x2=2

(i) Rajesh could not solve the

(ii) The was built one thousand years ago.


5. Write a paragraph on 'A Rainy Day'

[the extent of rain-duration-how it affected you your activities on the day- whether you liked/ disliked the day-reasons for that]


#### Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

We live on the Big Half Moon island. 'We' are Father and Claude and I and Aunt Esther and Mimi and Dick. It used to be only Father and Claude and I. It is all on account of the kite that there are more of us. This is what I want to tell you about.

Father is the keeper of the Big Half Moon lighthouse. I am eleven years old. Claude is twelve. In winter, when the harbour is frozen over, we all move over to the mainland. As soon as spring comes, back we sail to our own dear island.

The funny part used to be that people always pitied us when the time came for us to return. They said we must be so lonesome over there, with no other children near us. Of course, Claude and I would have liked to have someone to play with us. It is hard to run pirate caves and things like that with only two. But we used to quarrel a good deal with the mainland children in winter. So it was perhaps just as well that there was none of them on the Big Half Moon. Claude and I never quarreled.

To be sure, Father didn't seem to have any relations except us. This used to puzzle Claude and me. Everybody on the mainland had relations. Why hadn't we? Was it because we lived on an island? We thought it would be so jolly to have an uncle and aunt and some cousins. Once we asked Father about it, but he looked so sorrowful that we wished we hadn't. He said it was his fault. Claude and I didn't understand what he meant.

**A. Complete the following sentences with information from the passage:**

(i) The narrator lived in the Big Half Moon island because **Father was the keeper of the Big Half Moon lighthouse there.**

(ii) Because of the kite **there are more people living with them now.**

(iii) People in the mainland pitied the narrator and Claude because **they thought the children must be lonesome with no other children near them.**

(iv) What puzzled the narrator and Claude was that **Father didn't seem to have any relations except them.**

**B. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:**


(i) Two children running pirate caves was-

(a) fun

(b) difficult

(c) impossible

(d) boring

**Ans:** (b) difficult

(ii) Reference to relations made the narrator's father-

(a) angry

(b) happy

(c) excited

(d) sad

**Ans:** (d) sad

**C. State whether the following sentences are True or False. Pick out sentences/phrases from the passage in support of your answer:**


(i) The narrator was older than Claude.


**Supporting sentence:** "I am eleven years old. Claude is twelve."

(ii) The narrator loved the Big Half Moon island.


**Supporting sentence:** "As soon as spring comes, back we sail to our own dear island."

### Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given follow:

We were sitting in the garden of the circuit house in Bundi. We had arrived only that morning. Jayanto and I were old friends. We had been to the same school and college. He now worked in the editorial division of a newspaper and I taught in a school. Although we had different kinds of jobs, it had not made any difference to our friendship

We had been planning a trip to Rajasthan for quite some time. The main difficulty lay in both of us being able get away together. That had, at last, been made possible

Most people go to Jaipur, Udaipur or Chittor, when they go to Rajasthan; but Jayanto kept talking about going to Bundi. I had no objection for, having read Tagore's poem 'The Fort of Bundi', I was certainly familiar with the name of the place and felt a pleasurable excitement at the prospect of actually seeing the fort. Not many people came to Bundi. But that did not mean that there was not much to see there.

However, Jayanto's insistence on Bundi did puzzle me somewhat. I learnt the reason on the train when we were coming down. Jayanto's father, Animesh Das Gupta, had worked in the Archeological Department. His work sometimes took him to historical places and Jayanto had as a child come to Bundi. He had always wanted to return after growing up, just to see how much the modern Bundi compared the image he had in his mind.

**A. Answer the following questions:**

(i) Why was it not possible for the narrator to have frequent tours with his friend Jayanto?

**Ans:** It was difficult for both of them to get away together due to their different jobs.

(ii) Where do people usually go when they tour Rajasthan?

**Ans:** People usually go to Jaipur, Udaipur, or Chittor when they tour Rajasthan.

(iii) Why did the narrator have no objection in going to Bundi?

**Ans:** The narrator had no objection because he had read Tagore's poem 'The Fort of Bundi' and felt excited about seeing the fort.

(iv) Why did Jayanto want to visit Bundi?

**Ans:** Jayanto wanted to visit Bundi to see how much the modern Bundi compared to the image he had in his mind from his childhood.

**B. State whether the following sentences are 'True' or 'False':**

(i) The narrator knew Jayanto from his childhood.


(ii) Jayanto was into his father's profession.



### Grammar & Vocabulary

3. Do as directed:

**A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:**

The man held  * a** basket full **of** bread **to** sell.


**B. (i) Who does not know Satyajit Ray? (Change into an affirmative sentence)**

**Ans:** Everyone knows Satyajit Ray.

(ii) Light the light. (Change the voice)

**Ans:** Let the light be lit.

(iii) Mita said to her mother, "I read the book yesterday." (Change into indirect speech)

**Ans:** Mita told her mother that she had read the book the previous day.

(iv) He was sick. He did not go to school. (Join into a single sentence)

**Ans:** He did not go to school because he was sick.

(v) My bag was stolen. (Change the voice)

**Ans:** Someone stole my bag.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the passage of Question no. 2: 1x2=2

(i) Rajesh could not solve the **difficulty/problem.**

(ii) The **fort** was built one thousand years ago.


### 5. Write a paragraph on 'A Rainy Day

**A Rainy Day**

Rainy days can be both delightful and disruptive. Recently, we experienced a day of continuous rain. It began early in the morning with a light drizzle, which gradually turned into a heavy downpour. The roads were quickly flooded, making commuting difficult. Schools and offices declared a holiday, giving everyone a chance to enjoy the rain from the comfort of their homes. I spent most of the day indoors, sipping hot tea and reading my favorite book. Occasionally, I would glance out of the window to watch the rain splattering against the glass. The rain cooled down the temperatures significantly, providing much-needed relief from the summer heat. However, it also caused inconvenience as some areas experienced waterlogging and traffic jams. Despite the disruptions, I thoroughly enjoyed the rainy day. The sound of rain was soothing, and the cooof breeze that accompanied it was refreshing. I liked the day because it provided a break from the routine and an opportunity to relax and enjoy nature's beauty.
