Short Questions and Answers of An Astrologer's Day

 Short Questions and Answers of An Astrologer's Day

1. The astrologer held out to the stranger---a pinch of sacred ash

2.The astrologer wants the stranger never to travel in----southward

3.The astrologer asked the stranger to rub the sacred ash on his----- forehead 

4. According to the astrologer, if Nayak left his village again he would face -----great danger.

5.According to the astrologer, unless the stranger travelled southward, he will live upto-100

6.Why was Guru Nayak looking for the man who tried to kill him?

--to take revenge

7. The astrologer reached home nearly-   midnight 

8.According to the astrologer, the enemy of Guru Nayak died- four months ago.

9.What did the stranger offer to the astrologer at the end of their discussion?

-a handful of coins.

10.At whom did the astrologer fling the coins?

-His wife.

11.Who was waiting for the astrologer's return?

His wife.

12.What was the amount of money counted by astrologer's wife?

-Twelve and a half annas

13.What does the astrologer's wife intend to do with the money earned by her husband?

prepare some nice stuff for child

14.Counting the money, the astrologer's wife was- overjoyed.

15.Who lit a cheroot?

Guru Nayak

16.The astrologer caught a glimpse of the stranger's face ----by matchlight 

17..The astrologer sent up a prayer to --- heaven.

18."Challenge is challenge " the speaker is --Guru Nayak.

19.Who felt challenge?

Ans: The astrologer.

20..What did the stranger fling at astrologer?

Ans: an anna.

21.Who felt very uncomfortable?

Ans: The astrologer.

22.Who flung the coins?

Ans: Astrologer

23. On his head the astrologer wore--turban

24 Under which tree the astrologer sat for his business -tamarind

25.Where does the astrologer set up his shop?--in Town Hall Park

26. How long did the surging crowd move up and down the narrow road?

-from morning to night

27.The astrologer pressed ________invitation.

Ans: Guru Nayak's 

28."Oh, Stop that "-the speaker is Guru Nayak /stranger.

29.Who muttered a few incantation?

The astrologer

30."You dragged me inside "-The speaker is---- Guru Nayak /stranger.

31.Guru Nayak's village is ________days' journey due north of the town.

Ans- two days

32.According to astrologer, the murderer  was crushed under ------lorry.

33.The place was deserted by---+-time.

34.The stranger had gone of into the night, after giving the astrologer--------a handful of coins.

35.The swine has cheated me----Here the swine is Guru Nayak .

36."You tired to kill me"--- The speaker is ----- astrologer's wife.astrologer's wife.

37.Who wanted to buy jaggery and coconut?

Astrologer's wife.

38.Who wanted sweets?

The child of astrologer.

39.Why did astrologer's wife want to buy jaggery and coconut?

For nice stuff (sweet)
