AIMS -408,Madhyamik Question Bank,


Reading Comprehension (Seen)

**1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:**

To be sure, Father didn't seem to have any relation except us. This used to puzzle Claude and me. Everybody on the mainland had relations. Why hadn't we? Was it because we lived on an island? We thought it would be so jolly to have an uncle and aunt and some cousins. Once we asked father about it, but he looked so sorrowful that we wished we hadn't, he said it was all his fault. Claude and I didn't understand what he meant.

**A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:**

(a) When asked about relations, father looked-  

(i) happy  

(ii) angry  

(iii) sorrowful  

(iv) irritated  

**Ans:** (iii) sorrowful

(b) Father told them that not having any relations was-  

(i) good  

(ii) his fault  

(iii) safe  

(iv) bad  

**Ans:** (ii) his fault

**B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:**

(i) To be sure, Father didn't seem to have any relation except narrator and Claude.  

(ii) The narrator and Claude thought it would be so jolly to have __an uncle and aunt and some cousins.

**2. Read the extract of the poem and answer the questions that follow:**

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,  

To the gull's way and whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife.  

And all I ask is a merry yearn from a laughing fellow-rover,  

And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.

**A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:**

(a) In his sleep the poet craves for a —  

(i) horrible dream  

(ii) merry dream  

(iii) sweet dream  

(iv) fearful dream  

**Ans:** (iii) sweet dream

(b) After the end of the long voyage, the poet wants to hear -  

(i) tragic tale  

(ii) a fairy tale  

(iii) a comic tale  

(iv) a merry tale  

**Ans:** (iv) a merry tale

**B. Answer the following questions:**

(i) What kind of the life does the poet prefer?  

**Ans:** The poet prefers a vagrant gypsy life, one that is adventurous and free-spirited, moving with the wind and waves.

(ii) How will the poet roam about the sea?  

**Ans: The poet will roam about the sea following the gull's way and whale's way, guided by the wind which feels like a whetted knife. 

Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

**3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:**

Discipline is of utmost importance in student life, if the young students do not obey their superiors and go without discipline, they will be deprived of much of the training they should have at this period, and in future, they will never be able to extract obedience from others in the society. Such misguided young man will surely come to grief in the long run. Society will never accept them as persons fit for commanding and taking up any responsible position in life. A school without discipline can never impart suitable education to students. Such a school is no better than factory to turn out imperfect men and women.

The role of discipline in the play-ground and the battle field as well, plays a very important role. A well-disciplined team is likely to win the games in-spite of its weakness. But a team without discipline may not farewell in-spite of good players for want of natural understanding and co-operation. The soldiers in the battle-field have to abide by the strictest discipline. In a army, everyone, from the rank of general down to the mark of an ordinary soldier must observe discipline. In case a soldier does not obey his immediate superior the army becomes a rabble, quite unfit for achievement of the common end of the war.

**A. Each of the following statements is either 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also pick out suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answer:**

(i) A weak team following discipline may win the game.  

*Ans:** T

Supporting Statement: __A well-disciplined team is likely to win the games in-spite of its weakness.

(ii) In an army, soldiers should follow the general only.  

*Ans:** F

Supporting Statement: _"In a army, everyone, from the rank of general down to the mark of an ordinary soldier must observe discipline."**__  

**B. Answer the following questions:**

(i) Why is discipline important in young student's life?  

Ans: Discipline is important in young students' lives because it ensures that they will receive proper training. It helps them to gain obedience from others in the future. It also prepares them for responsible positions in life. 

(ii) What will happen if a soldier does not obey his immediate superior?  

Ans: If a soldier does not obey his immediate superior the army becomes a rabble, quite unfit for achievement of the common end of the war.


 If a soldier does not obey his immediate superior, the army becomes disorganized and ineffective, rendering it unfit to achieve its objectives in war.


**4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:**

A train accident took place __**at**__ midnight when most __**of**__ the passengers were asleep.

**5. Rewrite the sentences as directed:**

(i) R.K. Narayan wrote the short story 'Father help'. (Change the voice)  

Ans:The short story 'Father help' was written by R.K. Narayan.

(ii) She has beautiful eyes but they are of no use to her. (Make it simple)  *

Ans:Her beautiful eyes are of no use to her.

(iii) Ashoka was one of the greatest emperors of ancient India. (Turn into positive degree)  

**Ans:** Very few emperors of ancient India were as great as Ashoka.

**6. Choose the correct phrasal verbs in the given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side, changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:**

(i) The old man was run over by a lorry.  

**Ans:** run over

(ii) The girl resembles her sister.  

**Ans:** takes after

(iii) Evil customs must be eradicated from the society.  

**Ans:** done away with

[List: take after, turn-down, do away with, lock down]

**7. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side:**

(i) Deliver: **impart**  

(ii) Adjuvant: **support**  

(iii) Mob: **rabble**
